Miles per hour to Inches per hour conversion


How to convert Miles per hour to Inches per hour

1 Miles per hour (mph) is equal to 63371.35614702154 Inches per hour (in/h).

1 mph = 63371.35614702154 in/h
1 in/h = 0.00001578 mph

What is Miles per hour?

Miles per hour measures speed. This unit of speed measures how many miles traveled in one hour. Its is part of the British imperial and US customary unit. Commonly, express as mph, MPH or mi/h.

Miles per hour can be calculated using following formula. Please note that tt is in hours

mph=xtmph = \frac{x}{t}

mphmph - Miles per hour
xx - Number of miles
hh - Hour
tt - Time in hours

Wiki page for Miles Wiki page for Miles per hour

What is Inches per hour?

Inches per hour measures speed. This unit of speed measures how many Inches traveled in one hour. This is part of British imperial and American customary units system. Commonly, express as in/h.

Inches per hour can be calculated using following formula. Please note that tt is in hours

inh=xt\frac{in}{h} = \frac{x}{t}

inin - Inches
xx - Number of inches
hh - Hour
tt - Time in hours

Wiki page for Inches
Wiki page for Inches per second

Complete Miles per hour conversion table

Enter # of Miles per hour
Convert 1 mph to other unitsResult
Miles per hour to Metres per second (mph to m/s)0.44704
Miles per hour to Kilometres per hour (mph to km/h)1.609344
Miles per hour to Millimeters per hour (mph to mm/h)1609344.0000000002
Miles per hour to Knots (mph to knot)0.8689765802121867
Miles per hour to Feet per second (mph to ft/s)1.466667057777882
Miles per hour to Feet per minute (mph to ft/min)88.00028160090112
Miles per hour to Inches per hour (mph to in/h)63371.35614702154