hertz to degrees per second conversion


How to convert hertz to degrees per second

1 hertz (Hz) is equal to 360 degrees per second (deg/s).

1 Hz = 360 deg/s
1 deg/s = 0.002777777777777778 Hz

Complete hertz conversion table

Enter # of hertz
Convert 1 Hz to other unitsResult
hertz to millihertz (Hz to mHz)1000
hertz to kilohertz (Hz to kHz)0.001
hertz to megahertz (Hz to MHz)0.000001
hertz to gigahertz (Hz to GHz)1e-9
hertz to terahertz (Hz to THz)1e-12
hertz to rotations per minute (Hz to rpm)60
hertz to degrees per second (Hz to deg/s)360
hertz to radians per second (Hz to rad/s)6.283185307179586