Feet per second to Inches per hour conversion


How to convert Feet per second to Inches per hour

1 Feet per second (ft/s) is equal to 43207.73130544993 Inches per hour (in/h).

1 ft/s = 43207.73130544993 in/h
1 in/h = 0.00002314400617173498 ft/s

What is Feet per second?

Feet per second measures speed. This unit of speed measures how many Feet traveled in one second. This is part of British imperial and American customary units system. Commonly, express as ft/s.

Feet per second can be calculated using following formula. Please note that tt is in seconds

fts=xt\frac{ft}{s} = \frac{x}{t}

ftft - Feet
xx - Number of feet
ss - Seconds
tt - Time in seconds

Wiki page for Feet
Wiki page for Feet per second

What is Inches per hour?

Inches per hour measures speed. This unit of speed measures how many Inches traveled in one hour. This is part of British imperial and American customary units system. Commonly, express as in/h.

Inches per hour can be calculated using following formula. Please note that tt is in hours

inh=xt\frac{in}{h} = \frac{x}{t}

inin - Inches
xx - Number of inches
hh - Hour
tt - Time in hours

Wiki page for Inches
Wiki page for Inches per second

Complete Feet per second conversion table

Enter # of Feet per second
Convert 1 ft/s to other unitsResult
Feet per second to Metres per second (ft/s to m/s)0.30479991872000006
Feet per second to Kilometres per hour (ft/s to km/h)1.0972797073920002
Feet per second to Millimeters per hour (ft/s to mm/h)1097279.7073920004
Feet per second to Miles per hour (ft/s to mph)0.681818
Feet per second to Knots (ft/s to knot)0.5924838739671128
Feet per second to Feet per minute (ft/s to ft/min)60.00017600056321
Feet per second to Inches per hour (ft/s to in/h)43207.73130544993