Cubic feet per minute to Cubic meters per second conversion


How to convert cubic feet per minute to cubic meters per second

1 cubic feet per minute (ft^3/min) is equal to 4.71947×10^-4 cubic meters per second (m^3/s). Conversely, 1 cubic meters per second (m^3/s) is equal to 2118.881095 cubic feet per minute (ft^3/min).

See below section for step by step unit conversion with formulas and explanations. Please refer to the table below for a list of all the Cubic meters per second to other unit conversions.

Step by step guide to convert cubic feet per minute to cubic meters per second

Converting units

Cubic prefix used with length is used for measuring volume. Cubic metre or m^3 is an volume which is 1m long and 1m wide and 1m height. There is 3.2808 ft in a meter. Thus,

1m3=35.313378ft31 m^3 = 35.313378 ft^3

Substitute to calculate cubic meters per second (m^3/s)

1m3s=6035.313378ft3/min1 \frac{m^3}{s} = 60 * 35.313378 ft^3 / min

What does that mean?

If a volume of 1 cubic meter pass though some cross-sectional area in 1 seconds, then after 60 seconds, 60 cubic meter volume passes though that area. Since we know that 1 m^3 is 35.313378 ft^3, we can plug that in to get m^3/s to ft^3/min

1 m3s=2118.80268 ft3min1\ \frac{m^3}{s} = 2118.80268\ \frac{ft^3}{min}


1 ft3min=0.000471947 m3s1\ \frac{ft^3}{min} = 0.000471947\ \frac{m^3}{s}

Wikipedia page for Volumetric flow rate
For feather studies refer to Water Measurement Units and Conversion Factors

What is Cubic feet per minute?

Cubic feet per minute measures amount of fluid passes though a cross-sectional area. In short, it measures flow rate.

Flow rate can be calculated using following formula. Please note that tt is in minutes and QQ's unit of measure is ft^3/minute.

Q=Vt=AdtQ = \frac{V}{t} = \frac{A*d}{t}

QQ - Flow rate
VV - Volume (Cubic feet)
tt - Time in minutes AA - Cross-sectional area
dd - Distance the fluid traveled during the time tt

For more in-depth understanding of the flow rate read Flow Rate and Its Relation to Velocity from LibreTexts Physics website.

What is Cubic meeters per second?

Cubic meeters per second measures amount of fluid passes though a cross-sectional area. In short, it measures flow rate.

Flow rate can be calculated using following formula:

Q=Vt=AdtQ = \frac{V}{t} = \frac{A*d}{t}

QQ - Flow rate
VV - Volume (Cubic meters)
tt - Time in seconds AA - Cross-sectional area
dd - Distance the fluid traveled during the time tt

For more in-depth understanding of the flow rate read Flow Rate and Its Relation to Velocity from LibreTexts Physics website.

Complete Cubic feet per minute conversion table

Enter # of Cubic feet per minute
Convert 1 ft3/min to other unitsResult
Cubic feet per minute to Cubic Millimeters per second (ft3/min to mm3/s)471947.1999802417
Cubic feet per minute to Cubic Centimeters per second (ft3/min to cm3/s)471.9471999802417
Cubic feet per minute to Millilitres per second (ft3/min to ml/s)471.9471999802417
Cubic feet per minute to Centilitres per second (ft3/min to cl/s)47.19471999802417
Cubic feet per minute to Decilitres per second (ft3/min to dl/s)4.719471999802416
Cubic feet per minute to Litres per second (ft3/min to l/s)0.4719471999802417
Cubic feet per minute to Litres per minute (ft3/min to l/min)28.316831998814504
Cubic feet per minute to Litres per hour (ft3/min to l/h)1699.0099199288702
Cubic feet per minute to Kilolitres per second (ft3/min to kl/s)0.0004719471999802417
Cubic feet per minute to Kilolitres per minute (ft3/min to kl/min)0.0283168319988145
Cubic feet per minute to Kilolitres per hour (ft3/min to kl/h)1.69900991992887
Cubic feet per minute to Cubic meters per second (ft3/min to m3/s)0.0004719471999802417
Cubic feet per minute to Cubic meters per minute (ft3/min to m3/min)0.0283168319988145
Cubic feet per minute to Cubic meters per hour (ft3/min to m3/h)1.69900991992887
Cubic feet per minute to Cubic kilometers per second (ft3/min to km3/s)4.719471999802417e-13
Cubic feet per minute to Teaspoons per second (ft3/min to tsp/s)95.7506
Cubic feet per minute to Tablespoons per second (ft3/min to Tbs/s)31.916866666666667
Cubic feet per minute to Cubic inches per second (ft3/min to in3/s)28.800117906793478
Cubic feet per minute to Cubic inches per minute (ft3/min to in3/min)1728.0070744076088
Cubic feet per minute to Cubic inches per hour (ft3/min to in3/h)103680.42446445652
Cubic feet per minute to Fluid Ounces per second (ft3/min to fl-oz/s)15.958433333333334
Cubic feet per minute to Fluid Ounces per minute (ft3/min to fl-oz/min)957.5060000000001
Cubic feet per minute to Fluid Ounces per hour (ft3/min to fl-oz/h)57450.36
Cubic feet per minute to Cups per second (ft3/min to cup/s)1.9948041666666667
Cubic feet per minute to Pints per second (ft3/min to pnt/s)0.9974020833333334
Cubic feet per minute to Pints per minute (ft3/min to pnt/min)59.844125000000005
Cubic feet per minute to Pints per hour (ft3/min to pnt/h)3590.6475
Cubic feet per minute to Quarts per second (ft3/min to qt/s)0.4987010416666667
Cubic feet per minute to Gallons per second (ft3/min to gal/s)0.12467526041666667
Cubic feet per minute to Gallons per minute (ft3/min to gal/min)7.480515625000001
Cubic feet per minute to Gallons per hour (ft3/min to gal/h)448.8309375
Cubic feet per minute to Cubic feet per second (ft3/min to ft3/s)0.016666666666666666
Cubic feet per minute to Cubic feet per hour (ft3/min to ft3/h)60
Cubic feet per minute to Cubic yards per second (ft3/min to yd3/s)0.0006172830432927057
Cubic feet per minute to Cubic yards per minute (ft3/min to yd3/min)0.03703698259756234
Cubic feet per minute to Cubic yards per hour (ft3/min to yd3/h)2.222218955853741

Volume Flow Rate conversions