Watts to Kilowatts conversion


How to convert Watts to Kilowatts

1 Watts (W) is equal to 0.001 Kilowatts (kW).

1 W = 0.001 kW
1 kW = 1000 W

Complete Watts conversion table

Enter # of Watts
Convert 1 W to other unitsResult
Watts to Milliwatts (W to mW)1000
Watts to Kilowatts (W to kW)0.001
Watts to Megawatts (W to MW)0.000001
Watts to Gigawatts (W to GW)1e-9
Watts to Horsepower (metric) (W to PS)0.0013596216173039043
Watts to British thermal units per second (W to Btu/s)0.0009478169887360125
Watts to Foot-pounds per second (W to ft-lb/s)0.737562149
Watts to Horsepower (British) (W to hp)0.001341022089090909