Square Feet to Square Inches conversion


How to convert Square Feet to Square Inches

1 Square Feet (ft2) is equal to 144 Square Inches (in2).

1 ft2 = 144 in2
1 in2 = 0.006944444444444444 ft2

Complete Square Feet conversion table

Enter # of Square Feet
Convert 1 ft2 to other unitsResult
Square Feet to Square Nanometers (ft2 to nm2)92903129906446540
Square Feet to Square Micrometers (ft2 to μm2)92903129906.44656
Square Feet to Square Millimeters (ft2 to mm2)92903.12990644656
Square Feet to Square Centimeters (ft2 to cm2)929.0312990644655
Square Feet to Square Meters (ft2 to m2)0.09290312990644656
Square Feet to Hectares (ft2 to ha)0.000009290312990644655
Square Feet to Square Kilometers (ft2 to km2)9.290312990644656e-8
Square Feet to Square Inches (ft2 to in2)144
Square Feet to Square Yards (ft2 to yd2)0.1111111111111111
Square Feet to Acres (ft2 to ac)0.00002295684113865932
Square Feet to Square Miles (ft2 to mi2)3.587006427915519e-8