radians to degrees conversion


How to convert radians to degrees

1 radians (rad) is equal to 57.2957795 degrees (deg). Conversely, 1 degrees (deg) is equal to 0.01745329252 radians (rad).

See below section for step by step unit conversion with formulas and explanations. Please refer to the table below for a list of all the degrees to other unit conversions.

Step by step guide to convert radians to degrees

Converting units

We know that 1 circle is 2πrad2\pi rad or 360 degrees. Thus,

2πrad=360°2\pi rad = 360 \degree

Solving the equation to degrees

1 rad=3602πdeg=57.2957795 deg1\ rad = \frac{360}{2\pi}deg = 57.2957795\ deg


1 degress=2π360rad=0.01745329251 rad1\ degress = \frac{2\pi}{360}rad = 0.01745329251\ rad

Wikipedia page for Radian
Wikipedia page for Degree

Complete radians conversion table

Enter # of radians
Convert 1 rad to other unitsResult
radians to degrees (rad to deg)57.29577951308232
radians to gradians (rad to grad)63.66197723675813
radians to arcminutes (rad to arcmin)3437.7467707849396
radians to arcseconds (rad to arcsec)206264.80624709636