Pounds to Metric Tonnes conversion


How to convert Pounds to Metric Tonnes

1 Pounds (lb) is equal to 0.000453592 Metric Tonnes (mt).

1 lb = 0.000453592 mt
1 mt = 2204.6244201837776 lb

Complete Pounds conversion table

Enter # of Pounds
Convert 1 lb to other unitsResult
Pounds to Micrograms (lb to mcg)453592000
Pounds to Milligrams (lb to mg)453592
Pounds to Grams (lb to g)453.592
Pounds to Kilograms (lb to kg)0.453592
Pounds to Metric Tonnes (lb to mt)0.000453592
Pounds to Ounces (lb to oz)16
Pounds to Stones (lb to st)0.07142857142857142
Pounds to Tons (lb to t)0.0005