kilohertz to hertz conversion


How to convert kilohertz to hertz

1 kilohertz (kHz) is equal to 1000 hertz (Hz). Conversely, 1 hertz (Hz) is equal to 0.001 kilohertz (kHz).

See below section for step by step unit conversion with formulas and explanations. Please refer to the table below for a list of all the hertz to other unit conversions.

Complete kilohertz conversion table

Enter # of kilohertz
Convert 1 kHz to other unitsResult
kilohertz to millihertz (kHz to mHz)1000000
kilohertz to hertz (kHz to Hz)1000
kilohertz to megahertz (kHz to MHz)0.001
kilohertz to gigahertz (kHz to GHz)0.000001
kilohertz to terahertz (kHz to THz)1e-9
kilohertz to rotations per minute (kHz to rpm)60000
kilohertz to degrees per second (kHz to deg/s)360000
kilohertz to radians per second (kHz to rad/s)6283.185307179586