Inches to Millimeters conversion


How to convert inches to millimeters

1 inches (in) is equal to 25.3999992 millimeters (mm). Conversely, 1 millimeters (mm) is equal to 0.03937008 inches (in).

See below section for step by step unit conversion with formulas and explanations. Please refer to the table below for a list of all the Millimeters to other unit conversions.

Step by step guide to convert inches to millimeters

Converting units

In metric (SI) system, a inch is defined as 25.4 mm. Thus

1in=25.4mm1 in = 25.4 mm


1mm=0.03937008in1 mm = 0.03937008 in

Wikipedia page for millimetre
Wikipedia page for inch

What is Inches?

Inches measures distance. It is part of British imperial and American customary units system. Symbol for inches is inin.

Inches can be converted to SI unit using

1 in=112ft=25.4 mm=0.0254 m1\ in = \frac{1}{12} ft = 25.4\ mm = 0.0254\ m

ftft - Inches
mm - Metres

Wiki page for Inches

What is Millimetres?

Millimetres measures distance. It is part of the SI unit system. Milli is a metric prefix for 10^-3. Symbol for millimetre is mmmm.

Millimetres can be converted to Imperial or American customary units using

1mm=0.001m=11609344mi=0.039370 in1 mm = 0.001 m = \frac{1}{1609344} mi = 0.039370\ in

mimi - Miles
mm - Meters

Wiki page for Millimetres
Wiki page for Meters

Complete Inches conversion table

Enter # of Inches
Convert 1 in to other unitsResult
Inches to Nanometers (in to nm)25399999.187200025
Inches to Micrometers (in to μm)25399.99918720003
Inches to Millimeters (in to mm)25.399999187200024
Inches to Centimeters (in to cm)2.5399999187200026
Inches to Meters (in to m)0.025399999187200026
Inches to Kilometers (in to km)0.000025399999187200026
Inches to Mils (in to mil)1000
Inches to Yards (in to yd)0.027777777777777776
Inches to US Survey Feet (in to ft-us)0.08333316666699998
Inches to Feet (in to ft)0.08333333333333333
Inches to Fathoms (in to fathom)0.013888888888888888
Inches to Miles (in to mi)0.000015782828282828283
Inches to Nautical Miles (in to nMi)0.000013714892617876758