Hectares to Square Yards conversion


How to convert Hectares to Square Yards

1 Hectares (ha) is equal to 11959.888888888889 Square Yards (yd2).

1 ha = 11959.888888888889 yd2
1 yd2 = 0.0000836128169158019 ha

Complete Hectares conversion table

Enter # of Hectares
Convert 1 ha to other unitsResult
Hectares to Square Nanometers (ha to nm2)1e+22
Hectares to Square Micrometers (ha to μm2)10000000000000000
Hectares to Square Millimeters (ha to mm2)10000000000
Hectares to Square Centimeters (ha to cm2)100000000
Hectares to Square Meters (ha to m2)10000
Hectares to Square Kilometers (ha to km2)0.01
Hectares to Square Inches (ha to in2)15500016
Hectares to Square Yards (ha to yd2)11959.888888888889
Hectares to Square Feet (ha to ft2)107639
Hectares to Acres (ha to ac)2.4710514233241505
Hectares to Square Miles (ha to mi2)0.0038610178489439854