Gallons per hour to Litres per hour conversion


How to convert gallons per hour to litres per hour

1 gallons per hour (gal/h) is equal to 3.78541 litres per hour (l/h). Conversely, 1 litres per hour (l/h) is equal to 0.264172 gallons per hour (gal/h).

See below section for step by step unit conversion with formulas and explanations. Please refer to the table below for a list of all the Litres per hour to other unit conversions.

Step by step guide to convert gallons per hour to litres per hour

Convert base units

1 gal=3.785411784 L1\ gal = 3.785411784\ L

Substitute to calculate Gallons per hours

1 gal/hour=3.785411784 L/h1\ gal/hour = 3.785411784\ L/h

For feather studies refer to Water Measurement Units and Conversion Factors. You can refer to Gallon wikipedia article for more conversions of gallons.

Complete Gallons per hour conversion table

Enter # of Gallons per hour
Convert 1 gal/h to other unitsResult
Gallons per hour to Cubic Millimeters per second (gal/h to mm3/s)1051.5032733906444
Gallons per hour to Cubic Centimeters per second (gal/h to cm3/s)1.0515032733906444
Gallons per hour to Millilitres per second (gal/h to ml/s)1.0515032733906444
Gallons per hour to Centilitres per second (gal/h to cl/s)0.10515032733906443
Gallons per hour to Decilitres per second (gal/h to dl/s)0.010515032733906443
Gallons per hour to Litres per second (gal/h to l/s)0.0010515032733906444
Gallons per hour to Litres per minute (gal/h to l/min)0.06309019640343866
Gallons per hour to Litres per hour (gal/h to l/h)3.7854117842063197
Gallons per hour to Kilolitres per second (gal/h to kl/s)0.0000010515032733906443
Gallons per hour to Kilolitres per minute (gal/h to kl/min)0.00006309019640343866
Gallons per hour to Kilolitres per hour (gal/h to kl/h)0.0037854117842063195
Gallons per hour to Cubic meters per second (gal/h to m3/s)0.0000010515032733906443
Gallons per hour to Cubic meters per minute (gal/h to m3/min)0.00006309019640343866
Gallons per hour to Cubic meters per hour (gal/h to m3/h)0.0037854117842063195
Gallons per hour to Cubic kilometers per second (gal/h to km3/s)1.0515032733906443e-15
Gallons per hour to Teaspoons per second (gal/h to tsp/s)0.21333333333333335
Gallons per hour to Tablespoons per second (gal/h to Tbs/s)0.07111111111111111
Gallons per hour to Cubic inches per second (gal/h to in3/s)0.06416696243625915
Gallons per hour to Cubic inches per minute (gal/h to in3/min)3.850017746175549
Gallons per hour to Cubic inches per hour (gal/h to in3/h)231.00106477053293
Gallons per hour to Fluid Ounces per second (gal/h to fl-oz/s)0.035555555555555556
Gallons per hour to Fluid Ounces per minute (gal/h to fl-oz/min)2.1333333333333333
Gallons per hour to Fluid Ounces per hour (gal/h to fl-oz/h)128
Gallons per hour to Cups per second (gal/h to cup/s)0.0044444444444444444
Gallons per hour to Pints per second (gal/h to pnt/s)0.0022222222222222222
Gallons per hour to Pints per minute (gal/h to pnt/min)0.13333333333333333
Gallons per hour to Pints per hour (gal/h to pnt/h)8
Gallons per hour to Quarts per second (gal/h to qt/s)0.0011111111111111111
Gallons per hour to Gallons per second (gal/h to gal/s)0.0002777777777777778
Gallons per hour to Gallons per minute (gal/h to gal/min)0.016666666666666666
Gallons per hour to Cubic feet per second (gal/h to ft3/s)0.000037133506793226944
Gallons per hour to Cubic feet per minute (gal/h to ft3/min)0.0022280104075936163
Gallons per hour to Cubic feet per hour (gal/h to ft3/h)0.133680624455617
Gallons per hour to Cubic yards per second (gal/h to yd3/s)0.0000013753130448872093
Gallons per hour to Cubic yards per minute (gal/h to yd3/min)0.00008251878269323256
Gallons per hour to Cubic yards per hour (gal/h to yd3/h)0.004951126961593954

Volume Flow Rate conversions