degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius conversion


How to convert degrees fahrenheit to degrees celsius

1 degrees fahrenheit (F) is equal to -17.2222 degrees celsius (C). Conversely, 1 degrees celsius (C) is equal to 33.8 degrees fahrenheit (F).

See below section for step by step unit conversion with formulas and explanations. Please refer to the table below for a list of all the degrees Celsius to other unit conversions.

Step by step guide to convert degrees fahrenheit to degrees celsius

Shorthand (abbreviation) form

F=(x 32)  59 C^\circ F = (x -\ 32)\ * \ \frac{5}{9}\ ^\circ C

Longhand form

Fahrenheit=(x 32)  59 Celsius^\circ Fahrenheit = (x -\ 32)\ * \ \frac{5}{9}\ ^\circ Celsius

Where x is the number of Fahrenheit. I.e to calculate water boiling temperature where x = 212 $^\circ $ F

F=(212 32)  59 C=100 C^\circ F = (212 -\ 32)\ * \ \frac{5}{9}\ ^\circ C = 100\ ^\circ C

Some common uses

  • −459.67 Fahrenheit = -273.15 Celsius (absolute zero)
  • 32 Fahrenheit = 0 Celsius (water melting temperature)
  • 212 Fahrenheit = 100 Celsius (water boiling temperature)

Please see the conversion table below for FahrenheitFahrenheit to other measurement conversions.
Wikipedia page for Conversion of scales of temperature

What is degree Fahrenheit?

Degree Fahrenheit is the unit of measurement for template used by SI units. It's symbol is F^\circ F.

To convert some x amount of Fahrenheit

F=(x 32)  59 C^\circ F = (x -\ 32)\ * \ \frac{5}{9}\ ^\circ C

where x is number of degree Fahrenheit

F=(x+ 459.67)  59 K^\circ F = (x +\ 459.67)\ * \ \frac{5}{9}\ ^\circ K

where x is number of degree Fahrenheit

Wikipedia page for fahrenheit and a Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin temperature conversion table.

What is degree Celsius?

Degree Celsius is the unit of measurement for template used by SI units. It's symbol is C^\circ C.

To convert some x amount of Celsius

C=(x 95+ 32) F^\circ C = (x *\ \frac{9}{5} + \ 32)\ ^\circ F

where x is number of degree Celsius

C=x+ 273.15 K^\circ C = x +\ 273.15\ ^\circ K

where x is number of degree Celsius

Wikipedia page for celsius and a Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin temperature conversion table.

Complete degrees Fahrenheit conversion table

Enter # of degrees Fahrenheit
Convert 1 F to other unitsResult
degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius (F to C)-17.22222222222222
degrees Fahrenheit to Kelvins (F to K)255.92777777777775
degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Rankine (F to R)460.67