Bits to Terabytes conversion

Note: Above conversion to TB is base 10 decimal unit. If you want to use base 2 (binary unit) use Bits to Tebibytes (b to TiB) (which results to 1.1368683772161603e-13 TiB). See the difference between decimal (Metric) and binary prefixes

How to convert Bits to Terabytes

1 Bits (b) is equal to 1.25e-13 Terabytes (TB).

1 b = 1.25e-13 TB
1 TB = 8000000000000 b

Complete Bits conversion table

Enter # of Bits
Convert 1 b to other unitsResult
Bits to Kilobits (b to Kb)0.001
Bits to Kibibits (b to Kib)0.0009765625
Bits to Megabits (b to Mb)0.000001
Bits to Mebibits (b to Mib)9.5367431640625e-7
Bits to Gigabits (b to Gb)1e-9
Bits to Gibibits (b to Gib)9.313225746154785e-10
Bits to Terabits (b to Tb)1e-12
Bits to Tebibits (b to Tib)9.094947017729282e-13
Bits to Bytes (b to B)0.125
Bits to Kilobytes (b to KB)0.000125
Bits to Kibibytes (b to KiB)0.0001220703125
Bits to Megabytes (b to MB)1.25e-7
Bits to Mebibytes (b to MiB)1.1920928955078125e-7
Bits to Gigabytes (b to GB)1.25e-10
Bits to Gibibytes (b to GiB)1.1641532182693481e-10
Bits to Terabytes (b to TB)1.25e-13
Bits to Tebibytes (b to TiB)1.1368683772161603e-13